Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winter Snows Come To Winter Quarters

 On Dec. 19th we had our first major snow storm of the season 
insuring it would be a White Christmas!

 Getting to the Trail Center was a bit tricky for a day or two.

 This is our beautiful drive to the Trail Center...snow magically transforms
everything into a winter wonderland!

 The snow was so heavy on the trees some practically bent over.

Home Sweet Home....
We live on the 2nd floor at the end.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


 We invited Sister Farnsworth and Sister Coats to eat artichokes
 with us in our apartment. They did pretty well for first timers!
 Our senior couples monthly dinner at the Trail Center...
we were in charge, so the pressure was turned out to be a lot of fun!
 Our Southern Virginia University friends, Burke & Nikki Olsen 
and their cute daughters visited us on their way to Utah. 
We brought a crock pot of soup to the 
Trail Center and ate lunch together.
 Our Christmas outing to the Kanesville Tabernacle to see the
 gingerbread houses, go shopping and out to lunch...we love our "P" days!
We even get to casual dress on "P" day...such a fun get-away!