Friday, October 25, 2013

Our Weekend in Nauvoo, October 17-19, 2013

Our mission Pres. gave us permission to spend a weekend in Nauvoo
visiting all our favorite places, including the Nauvoo Temple.

 Taking a walk down Parley Street brought back
some great memories.

 How the wagons were ferried across the Mississippi River.

 The lazy Mississippi River down at the end of Parley Street.

 We attended a session at the temple on Friday morning.

 The statues of Joseph and Hyrum against a backdrop 
of purple sky.

 The beautiful Nauvoo Temple at dusk.

Down on the flats....beautiful autumn flowers still in brilliant color.
 Meeting up with the Jarmans and Browns as we
toured the Print Shop in Old Nauvoo.

Sister Jarman and Sister Brown on their way home
from their mission...we loved serving with them!