Saturday, May 4, 2013


 Our friends from Southern Virginia University, Jay & Ida Jorgenson,
stopped in Omaha to see us on their way to the New York South Mission,
where they will be serving for the next 18 months.

 Taking the Jorgensons on a tour of the Kanesville Tabernacle
in Council Bluffs on our day off.

 At the Trail Center checking out the tulips 
that finally opened the first of May.

 Spring was late in coming, so not a good year for the tulips
which are just now struggling to bloom.

 The senior couples at a breakfast honoring the
Nordhoffs who finished their mission April 30th
and are returning home to Utah.
 A view from our balcony: 
...just when you think spring has finally arrived for good....!
(May 2, 2013)

 Tulips in the snow.

 All the young missionaries at the Trail Center
 saying good-bye to the Nordhoffs (back row right)
and sister Pryde, (front center) who finished their missions.

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