Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Christmas celebrating stretched clear to Dec. 30th
with Jeff, Jean and the kids coming to see us in Omaha
right after Christmas.
 Playing a game of Omaha-opoly that Jon & Shaunae sent us
 for's similar to Monopoly and lots of fun!

 Taylor and Jacob trying to pull a handcart at the
Mormon Trail Center.

 We always learn new things about the pioneers 
when taking a tour at the Mormon Trail Visitor Center.

 Sister Seguin did a great job showing us around the
gallery at the Trail Center.

 Jeff & Jean reading about the real German town this
gingerbread village was fashioned after.

 All the gingerbread displays at the Tabernacle were
still inspiring and beautiful even after being up for over a month.

 Taylor and Jacob figuring out a clue from the
scavenger hunt at the Tabernacle.

 The scavenger hunt made hunting for clues among
the gingerbread creations pretty challenging.
 We had a great time at the Tabernacle surrounded by all the 
beautiful Christmas decorations and gingerbread displays.

Stopping by an Eagle monument in honor of
Connor's up-coming Eagle Court of Honor.

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