Saturday, June 15, 2013


Avery brought Flat Stanley along 
to visit the Kanesville Tabernacle.

 We had great fun showing Craig and the girls all 
around the Pioneer Trail Center.

Madison and Avery had fun being handcart pioneers at the Trail Center.
                                                   The aquarium at the zoo was a big hit!

Watching the IMAX film at the zoo.

The gorillas put on a good show, but didn't scare
anyone with a body-slam to the window like we were hoping.

The Jungle Dome made us feel like we were visiting 
Costa Rica, or some tropical rain forest.

We spent about seven hours at the zoo and still
didn't see everything we hoped to see.

    Pioneer Courage Park...riding in the wagon train.
"Are we there yet?"

Having a fun time dressing up in costumes
at the Lewis & Clark visitor center.

A creative way to stand in two states at once!

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