Wednesday, June 26, 2013


 Our friends, Doug & Betty Jo McKinlay were good sports
and played dress-up with us at the Lewis & Clark visitor center.

 Visiting the spot where Orson Hyde's cabin was located in Kanesville
during the years of 1846-52.

 We enjoyed having the McKinlays stay with us 
on their way back home to Utah.

 We love bringing visitors to the Winter Quarters Temple.

 Being able to serve in the temple is one of the best 
parts of our mission!

 On our field trip to Fort Atkinson the sister missionaries
added some "visual aids" to this Lewis & Clark exhibit.
(Pass-along card & Book of Mormon)

 A soldier at Fort Atkinson giving us a tour of this 
reconstructed 1820's outpost...
the largest of its kind in the country.

 The McKinlays helped fix lunch for the missionaries
after our tour of Fort Atkinson.
(once a mission pres. always a mission pres.)

What a day for a picnic...enjoying lunch outside
Fort Atkinson with the sister missionaries and senior couples.

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